God provides…always! Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I let the worries of the moment drown out this undisputable fact. But the truth remains. He does provide…always!
As most of you know I have been working to raise funds for New Adventure School (NAS). The budget is growing while the available funds are decreasing. Additional donors need to be found and long term support garnered if NAS is going to continue expanding and flourishing. These are concerns that weigh heavily on the hearts and minds of myself and those I work with.
And yet God provides…sometimes through others!
Just recently a team from New Zealand came through the Kibera area and literally handed our project manager money to begin construction of the new primary school buildings. Things are definitely underway. To the right you can see the second story is already up!
God provides!
To the left you can see the inside of the new building. Once construction is finished there will be six classrooms in all, 3 on the top floor and 3 on the bottom. The additional space will be more than welcome, especially with some classes as big as 50 students! It is so exciting to see everything coming together.
Also just completed are the new bathrooms for both the boys and the girls. They are located within the school compound and are easily accessible for the students.
The progress is encouraging and we are counting on continued financial and prayer support to finish this project.
In case it hasn’t sunk in…God provides!